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What Is Fennel Seed Powder Used For?

By Jayton Miller

What Is Fennel Seed Powder Used For?

Fennel seeds come from the fennel plant and are known for their potent aroma. Widely used in India, Greece and China, fennel seeds provide rich flavor in various dishes, but they're also known to be packed with a nutritious punch. More specifically, fennel seeds have long been used as a digestive aid and they may provide a host of other health benefits.


Other Names for Fennel Seed:

Fennel comes from the Apiaceae plant family and may also be referred to by its botanical name Foeniculum vulgare Mill.

Health Benefits Of Fennel Seed Powder:

Benefits Of Fennel Seed Extract


Adding fennel seed powder to a daily regimen may offer a number of health benefits, including the following.

May Have Antibacterial Properties

Some studies suggest that fennel seeds may be effective in hindering the growth of certain types of bacteria, including E.coli and staphylococcus.

May Help Regulate Blood Pressure

Chewing on fennel seeds can help to increase the production of nitrite in saliva, which is linked to regulating blood pressure levels.

May Help With Digestion

The volatile oils in fennel seeds may help with digestion by encouraging the production of gastric enzymes. This can help alleviate indigestion, bloating, constipation and IBS.

May Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Fennel contains vitamin C and quercetin, which are both powerful antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and inflammatory markers.

May Alleviate Symptoms of Menopause

A scientific review of studies found that fennel may be effective at alleviating common menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal itching and dryness, and sleep issues.

Could Reduce Water Retention

Fennel seeds may act as a diuretic. As such, it can help eliminate excess fluid from the body, particularly in those who retain water. Further, fennel seeds may be able to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections by flushing out toxins as excess water is removed from the body.

May Help Suppress the Appetite

As already mentioned, fennel seeds contain lots of fiber, which can help to increase feelings of satiety and therefore suppress the appetite.

May Protect Against Certain Cancers

Certain compounds found in the fennel seed may be useful in reducing the risk of developing certain types of cancers. Anethole, for instance, is an active compound found in fennel seeds that has been shown to potentially possess anti-cancer properties.

One study found that anethole was able to hinder the growth of human cancer cell growth in breast cancer cells and even cause cancer cell death. Other animal studies have shown that fennel seeds may be effective at protecting against liver cancer.

That said, further studies are required to solidify fennel seeds' place in the world of cancer treatment and prevention.

Note* - There is some evidence that fennel seed powder can have a negative impact on testosterone levels in the body. If you are trying to optimize your testosterone levels then fennel might be something that you want to avoid.

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How To Use Fennel Seed Powder:

How To Use Inulin


While fennel seeds can be used whole and included in various recipes, it can also be used as a powder. In this form, the powder can be added to beverages and dishes easily and quickly. There are several baking and cooking recipes that can include fennel seed powder, making it easy to consume the supplement.

Manufacturers typically recommend taking 1-4 grams of fennel seed powder per day. However, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not stipulated an exact recommended dose for the supplement. As such, it's important to speak with a physician before taking it to get customized advice about how much to take.

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Supplementing With Fennel Seed Powder:

Supplementing With Fennel Seed Powder


In moderation, fennel seed powder should be safe to take. However, users may want to be careful with consuming it in more concentrated forms or in higher doses.

Fennel seed powder is not recommended for pregnant and nursing women, as it may increase estrogen levels which can be harmful to a growing baby.

Fennel seeds may also have negative interactions with certain types of medications. As such, it's important for users to consult with a health care practitioner about taking fennel seed powder if they are on any type of pharmaceutical medication, as it may reduce its effectiveness.



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Fennel seed powder appears to have a number of promising health benefits, including reducing inflammation, promoting a healthy heart and regulating blood pressure. In powder format, it can be easily added to various food and drink recipes for convenience.

However, it's highly recommended that users speak with a physician before using fennel seed powder — or any other type of supplement — especially those who are on medication or women who are pregnant or nursing.`